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Resolution on the design and biodegradability of drifting FADs (fish aggregating devices).
submitted by European Union
Revised on 10 August 2023

Incorporating Climate Change considerations into conservation and management measures of WCPO fisheries and ecosystems

Recognizing the Sustainable Development Goal and the particularly negative impacts of Climate Change on Small Island Developing States and Territories. The Marshall Islands and the US will develop a workplan including engagement with other RFMOs and FAO.
submitted by FFA, USA, Taiwan, EU
Posted on 20 December 2023

Resolution of the recovery of FADs and other issues.
submitted by Ecuador
Revised on 11 August 2023

AS herring – CPs to develop CMMs incl. catch limits in RA

submitted by Iceland
Posted on 17 November 2023

Revision South Pacific Albacore management procedure

Agreement on a revised interim target reference point (iTRP) for South Pacific Albacore for 2024 or 2025 with the possible modification of the operating model.
submitted by South Pacific Group and Australia
Amended various
Posted on 20 December 2023

Resolution to change design of FAD to reduce bycatch
submitted by USA
Posted on 6 July 2023

Mackerel – CPs to develop CMMs incl. catch limits in RA

submitted by Iceland
Posted on 17 November 2023

North Pacific Albacore Harvest Strategy

For the purpose of completing the North Pacific albacore tuna harvest strategy, target reference points are established.
submitted by Northern Committee
Posted on 20 December 2023

Extends the current TT measure by a year
submitted by Belize, Colombia, Peru, Guatemala, Panama, Peru, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Nicaragua
Posted on 15 October 2024

Resolution to modify A4 on FADs
submitted by USA
Posted on 17 July 2023

Beaked redfish (Sub-area I & II stock) – 4,139 TAC

submitted by Denmark in respect of the Faroes Islands and Greenland; European Union; Iceland; Norway; United Kingdom
Posted on 17 November 2023

Revision conservation and management measure for Pacific bluefin tuna

Small changes in management measure updating the harvest strategy for PBFT.
submitted by Northern Committee
Amended: Tokelau
Posted on 20 December 2023

Extension of haddock box closure to 2024

submitted by United Kingdom; European Union
Posted on 17 November 2023

ICCAT agreeing to advance plans for and to respond to biodiversity impacts notably in relation to the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea on the Conservation and Sustainable Use of Marine Biological Diversity of Areas Beyond National Jurisdiction, and the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework under the Convention on Biological Diversity. In addition, the resolution calls for the Commission to take an active role in the discussions leading up to the implementation of these instruments.
submitted by Commission Chair
Posted on 20 November 2023

Resolution to establish a long-term management regime of bluefin tuna
submitted by Various
Revised on 10 August 2023

Extension of Irminger Sea redfish closure + Ban on landing/port services to redfish carrying vessels

submitted by Denmark in respect of the Faroes Islands and Greenland; European Union; Iceland; Norway; United Kingdom
Posted on 17 November 2023

Restriction for purse effort on Skipjack, Yellowfin and Bigeye

Restriction purse seine effort within the EEZs in accordance with the effort limits established and notified.
submitted by chair
Amended by FFA, PNA, Korea
Posted on 20 December 2023