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Greenpeace amplifies Accountability.Fish’s call for immediate RFMO reform 
International oceans governance watchdog Accountability.Fish welcomes the launch of Greenpeace International’s bombshell report on oceans governance
RFMO Accountability Tracker Highlights Actions at Indian Ocean Tuna Commission [Washington, DC, May 31, 2024] – As part of its effort to promote transparent and open oceans governance, Accountability.Fish has…
Accountability.Fish Blasts Unprecendented Chinese Proposal at Indian Ocean Tuna Commission
WASHINGTON: Calling a move to curtail stakeholder participation at today’s meeting of the Indian Ocean Tuna Commision (IOTC) an “unprecedented an unnecessary infringement on the right of stakeholders to submit…
Accountability.Fish Takes On Fisheries, Oceans Secrecy with New Campaign
WASHINGTON: Is today’s fisheries management system capable of taking on a bigger role in future of ocean governance? Or, is it even effectively managing the sustainability of the world’s marine…
Shedding light on RFMO decisions
RFMO Accountability Tracker Update Highlights Deflected Accountability Results of recent meetings of leading Regional Fisheries Management Organizations underscore the need for greater transparency and accountability in their decision-making processes. That…
WCPFC Refusal to Address Compliance Secrecy Calls Sustainability into Question
WASHINGTON: 90% transparency is not transparency. That was the verdict from Accountability.Fish Global Director Ryan Orgera, who today blasted the Western & Central Pacific Fisheries Commission for failing to address…
Illegal fishing case sparks new WCPFC openness call
Citing a Korean case where the continuing secrecy of the compliance process covering Western Pacific tuna – leading to the potential inclusion of illegally caught fish into the world’s tuna…
WCPFC Secrecy and the Problem of Illegal FAD use in the Western Pacific
Overview There is increasing concern among market stakeholders and NGOs about the practice of transport vessels for the catch of purse seine fisheries deploying and retrieving Fish Aggregating Devices (FADs)…
Secrecy in international fisheries management: bad news for our oceans?
Who controls the world’s oceans? Even though this is a massive question, the answer is problematic to say the least. It’s problematic in that the only bodies with any meaningful…