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Endorsing revision and recommendations of measures against shark finning

submitted by USA and Canada
Posted on 20 December 2023

This recommendation identified how Panel 2 members would work closely with the SCRS to develop a plan for how to identify and respond to rare or unforeseen events that may warrant reconsideration of the MP.
submitted by The Chair of Panel 2, with revised version submitted by the EU, Japan and Canada
Posted on 20 November 2023

Recommendation seeking to clarify and correct some ambiguities in Recommendation 23-08, which established establishing a Multi-annual Management Plan for Bluefin Tuna in the Eastern Atlantic and the Mediterranean on the distribution of ICCAT seals to regional observers.
submitted by Chair of panel 2
Posted on 20 November 2023

Proposal to enable observer access to Working Group on the Future Development of NEAFC

submitted by Chair
Posted on 17 November 2023

Increase in charges for CNCP

submitted by European Union
Posted on 17 November 2023

Bahamas CNCP status

submitted by Cooperating Non-Contracting Parties
Posted on 17 November 2023

Panama CNCP status

submitted by Cooperating Non-Contracting Parties
Posted on 17 November 2023

Resolution on climate change considerations

submitted by European Union; United Kingdom
Posted on 17 November 2023

Change in haddock listing in stats

submitted by European Union; Iceland; Norway; United Kingdom
Posted on 17 November 2023

Addition of chimaeras to monthly statistics measure

submitted by WGStats
Posted on 17 November 2023

Special request on Ecosystem approach to fisheries management

submitted by Permanent Committee on Management and Science
Posted on 17 November 2023

Special request to review effectiveness of Rec 19 2014 on VME protection

submitted by Permanent Committee on Management and Science
Posted on 17 November 2023

Special request on Restricted Bottom Fishing Areas and biodiversity attributes/OECM status

submitted by Denmark in respect of the Faroes Islands and Greenland; Iceland; Norway
Posted on 17 November 2023