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Revise management of observer coverage purse seiner and longline fisheries

Scheme of increasing observer coverage for longline fleets that want to increase their bigeye tuna catch limit. Japan and Korea support the initial proposal.
submitted by PNA + Tokelau, Korea
Amended by various, Philippines

Proposal on a fishery closure (cf Res 23/03)
submitted by EU
notes: Very little support generally (this proposal was essentially part of the FAD negotiation) no clear blocking CPC
Posted on 24 May 2024

Proposal to consolidate various shark measures and central practices in one resolution.
submitted by Canada
combined with C-6 below
Posted on 14 July 2023

Ban on directed fishing on deep sea sharks to 2027

submitted by European Union; Iceland; Norway; United Kingdom
Posted on 17 November 2023

Amendments made to clarify investigation procedures with regards to Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated (IUU) vessel listing measures which now requires CPCs to investigate and report potential IUU listings within 60 days of notification – to the Secretariat for immediate circulation to all CPCs.
submitted by China
Posted on 20 November 2023

Biodegradable FADs from 2026 on

USA proposal starting in 2026 a transition to biodegradable FADs was blocked. Now the decision on the requirements to do so will be taken no later than 2026.
submitted by US, PNA + Tokelau
Postponed by consensus.
Posted on 20 December 2023

Proposal to consolidate various shark measures and central practices in one resolution.
submitted by Various
combined with C-6 below
Posted on 17 July 2023

Ban on directed fishing of porbeagle to 2024

submitted by European Union; United Kingdom
Posted on 17 November 2023

This year’s commission meeting was unable to bring an end to several years of stalemate on the issue or to demonstrate ICCAT’s capability of reaching consensus on the sustainable management of the stocks under its remit.
submitted by South Africa, Japan, Brazil, Namibia, Angola, Cabo Verde, Côte D’ivoire, Equatorial Guinea, Gabon, The Gambia, Ghana, Guinea (Rep.), Guinea-bissau, Liberia, Mauritania, Morocco, Namibia, Nigeria, São Tomé And Príncipe, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Uruguay and EU
rejected by Guatemala, Panama, El Salvador, Curacao, Belize, Honduras, followed by many other CPCs.
Posted on 20 November 2023

Non obligatory retrieval of FADs and debris

Encouragement for flag vessels to responsibly manage the number of drifting FADs deployed and , retrieve and report on lost drifting FADs
submitted by Chair, proposals by French Polynesia Tokelau, PNA, FFA, FAD small working group
Posted on 20 December 2023

Recording and reporting catch and effort data (cf Res 15_01)
submitted by Seychelles
notes: Maldives could not support it and South Africa and Tanzania could not support as it relates to non-IOTC species
Posted on 24 May 2024

Proposal to consolidate various shark measures and central practices in one resolution
submitted by Various
explanation: Adopted, but with stronger language blocked by China and Japan
Revised on 9 August 2023

Ban on directed fishing of chimaeras + new species added

submitted by United Kingdom
Posted on 17 November 2023

Review maximum drifting FADs deployment

No later than 2026 review the effectiveness of the limit on the current limit of 350 of FADs deployed and provide advice on the monitoring of activated instrumented buoys.
submitted by PNA and FFA
Posted on 20 December 2023

On a ban of discards (cf Res 19-05)
submitted by Seychelles, EU, Tanzania, Mauritius, Comoros, Oman, Madagascar, Kenya
Posted on 24 May 2024

Resolution to set minimum requirements for commencement of manual transmission, and to establish the obligation to provide manual reporting every 6 hours.
submitted by EU
Revised on 10 July 2023

Expansion of existing bottom fishing area in Barents Sea

submitted by Russian Federation
Posted on 17 November 2023

notes: This proposal has been tabled at ICCAT for the past 15 years. Despite listing the support of CPCs including US, Belize, France (on behalf of Saint-pierre and Miquelon), Saint Vincent and The Grenadines, South Africa, UK, EU, Canada, Albania, El Salvador, Senegal, Algeria, Guatemala, Honduras, Gabon, Ghana, Norway, Morrocco, Panama, Brazil, Egypt, The Gambia, Barbados, Trinidad & Tobago, Mexico and Venezuela, the recommendation was rejected not adopted due to blocking from Japan.
Posted on 20 November 2023

Observers on board and data confidentiality

The CCMs are encouraged to provide the data gathered by the observers in such a manner that protects the ownership and confidentiality of the data.
Posted on 20 December 2023

Resolution to establish reference points for tropical tunas.
submitted by Ecuador
Revised on 10 July 2023

Expansion of existing bottom fishing area in Hatton Bank

submitted by United Kingdom
Posted on 17 November 2023