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IOTC 2024

These are the outcomes from the 28th Session of the Indian Ocean Tuna Commission held in Thailand from 13 to 17 May 2024


Proposal on management of DFADs (cf Res 19-02), Proposal on FAD management (EU) (cf Res 19_02), On Management of Drifting Fish Aggregating Devices (cf Res 19/02), Proposal on biodegrability of DFADs (EU-SEY)
submitted by South Africa, Korea, EU and Indonesia and Maldives
notes: All FAD related proposals were combined into a single doc for negotiation. Forced to a vote with Oman, Japan, Kenya and Tanzania voting against.
Posted on 24 May 2024

Proposal to amend Res 23-05_transhipment (cf Res 23-05), Proposal to amend Res.23-05 on transhipment (cf Res 23_05), On establishing a programme for transhipment (cf Res 23/05)
submitted by Korea, Japan, Indonesia
Posted on 24 May 2024

Proposal on High Seas Boarding Inspection (cf Res 17/05)
submitted by EU, India, Seychelles
notes: Blocked by China (saying treaty text did not explicitly allow for it), Iran (stating safely and security concerns) and Pakistan (could not supply a reason). Japan said it could not support if not binding on China
Posted on 24 May 2024

Proposal on a fishery closure (cf Res 23/03)
submitted by EU
notes: Very little support generally (this proposal was essentially part of the FAD negotiation) no clear blocking CPC
Posted on 24 May 2024

Recording and reporting catch and effort data (cf Res 15_01)
submitted by Seychelles
notes: Maldives could not support it and South Africa and Tanzania could not support as it relates to non-IOTC species
Posted on 24 May 2024

On a ban of discards (cf Res 19-05)
submitted by Seychelles, EU, Tanzania, Mauritius, Comoros, Oman, Madagascar, Kenya
Posted on 24 May 2024

Interim Yellowfin Rebuilding Plan (cf Res 21_01)
submitted by Pakistan, South Africa, Iran
notes: Proposal was not well communicated. No support from China, EU, India, Comoros, Madagascar, Somalia, Oman, Korea, Sri Lanka, Mauritius, Seychelles, Japan
Posted on 24 May 2024

Conservation of sharks (cf Res 18-02 17-05 13-05 13-06 12-09), Proposal on Fins Naturally Attached
submitted by Maldives, Pakistan (plus EU FNA)
notes: Blocked by Japan
Posted on 24 May 2024

On Measures to Prevent, Deter and Eliminate IUU Fishing (cf Res 07_01 and 18_03)
submitted by Somalia
notes: Blocked by Korea, Seychelles, Oman, EU, Mauritius due to inclusion of FADs in defining IUU fishing
Posted on 24 May 2024