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International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas (ICCAT)



Draft Recommendation By ICCAT To Amend The Recommendation 22-08 Which Amends The Recommendation 21-08 Establishing A Multi-Annual Management Plan For Bluefin Tuna In The Eastern Atlantic And The Mediterranean
submitted by European Union
notes: merged into 605D which was adopted.

Draft Recommendation By ICCAT Amending Recommendation 22-10 For A Conservation And Management Plan For Western Atlantic Bluefin Tuna
submitted by European Union
rejected by Japan, Norway, U.S., Canada
notes: EU didn’t really push the proposal because it wasn’t appropriate for western fisheries (e.g., it had ranching regulations but there’s no bft ranching in the West); 2025 intersessional work will instead review western MCS to see what, if any, improvements can be made

Draft Recommendation By ICCAT Amending The Recommendation 22-08 Establishing A Multi-Annual Management Plan For Bluefin Tuna In The Eastern Atlantic And The Mediterranean
submitted by European Union
notes: Draft Recommendation By ICCAT Amending The Recommendation 22-08 Establishing A Multi-Annual Management Plan For Bluefin Tuna In The Eastern Atlantic And The Mediterranean

Proposal for amendments to ICCAT PA2_605/2024 – “Draft Recommendation by ICCAT amending the Recommendation 22-08 establishing a Multi-annual Management Plan for Bluefin Tuna in the Eastern Atlantic and the Mediterranean”
submitted by European Union
rejected by United States, Canada, Norway, Japan

(Revised) (New Sponsor) Draft Recommendation By ICCAT Concerning The Conservation Of Sharks Caught In Association With Fisheries Managed By ICCAT
submitted by United States, Canada, Belize, South Africa, European Union, Guatemala, NIcaragua, Panama, Norway, Liberia, Mexico
rejected by China and Japan
notes: Even with 42 co co sponsor Japan blocked stating – Japan wants to wait to see what happens at WCPFC before committing to a FNA measure, Japan committed to bringing a proposal next year RE FNA.

Draft Recommendation by ICCAT amending Recommendation 22-16 amending ICCAT Recommendation 21-18 on the application of the EBCD system.
submitted by European Union
notes: The detailed report prepared by the EU on the implementation of the derogation offers insights into the BFT trade data between EU Member States for 2023 and the past five years.

Draft Recommendation by ICCAT on aquaculture bluefin tuna
submitted by EU & Egypt
notes: CPCs must report detailed information on aquaculture facilities, including on broodstock used for artificial hatching, established within their territory in their yearly BFT fishing and aquaculture plans.

Draft Recommendation by ICCAT on protecting the health and safety of observers in CPC observer programs
submitted by United States, the United Kingdom, Morocco, Senegal, and Gabon
notes: This proposal would require that CPCs submit descriptions of their observer safety emergency protocols, described in paragraph 7, as a part of their Annual Reports. This proposal also would require, subject to national laws on confidentiality and privacy, that CPCs submit to the Executive Secretary, any reports on observer incidents involving serious injury, death, or in the event of an observer that is missing or presumed fallen overboard, including any corrective action taken by the flag CPC.



submitted by Canada, EU and US
notes: Consensus could not be reached on implementation of the MSE this year, especially due to the submission by Canada of new data sets for consideration by the commission shortly before the start of the meeting as well as requests to review allocation tables before setting up the MSE. US, Canada and EU agreed to roll over the previous measure in the interim.
Posted on 20 November 2023

notes: No Recommendation was tabled. The MSE couldn’t be adopted this year, despite the SCRS stating that it supported Management Procedure adoption this year and no CPCs having expressed opposition to moving forward this year in prior meetings.
Posted on 20 November 2023

Resolution by ICCAT on the development of initial conceptual management objectives for Atlantic Bigeye Tuna, Yellowfin Tina and the Eastern Stock of Skipjack
submitted by US
notes: Consensus couldn’t be reached by CPCs. Rejected by the EU, Guatemala and Canada based on issues including feasibility of implementation timeline despite the timeline have been already established in Rec. 15-07.
Posted on 20 November 2023

ICCAT agreeing to advance plans for and to respond to biodiversity impacts notably in relation to the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea on the Conservation and Sustainable Use of Marine Biological Diversity of Areas Beyond National Jurisdiction, and the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework under the Convention on Biological Diversity. In addition, the resolution calls for the Commission to take an active role in the discussions leading up to the implementation of these instruments.
submitted by Commission Chair
Posted on 20 November 2023

Amendments made to clarify investigation procedures with regards to Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated (IUU) vessel listing measures which now requires CPCs to investigate and report potential IUU listings within 60 days of notification – to the Secretariat for immediate circulation to all CPCs.
submitted by China
Posted on 20 November 2023

This year’s commission meeting was unable to bring an end to several years of stalemate on the issue or to demonstrate ICCAT’s capability of reaching consensus on the sustainable management of the stocks under its remit.
submitted by South Africa, Japan, Brazil, Namibia, Angola, Cabo Verde, Côte D’ivoire, Equatorial Guinea, Gabon, The Gambia, Ghana, Guinea (Rep.), Guinea-bissau, Liberia, Mauritania, Morocco, Namibia, Nigeria, São Tomé And Príncipe, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Uruguay and EU
rejected by Guatemala, Panama, El Salvador, Curacao, Belize, Honduras, followed by many other CPCs.
Posted on 20 November 2023

notes: This proposal has been tabled at ICCAT for the past 15 years. Despite listing the support of CPCs including US, Belize, France (on behalf of Saint-pierre and Miquelon), Saint Vincent and The Grenadines, South Africa, UK, EU, Canada, Albania, El Salvador, Senegal, Algeria, Guatemala, Honduras, Gabon, Ghana, Norway, Morrocco, Panama, Brazil, Egypt, The Gambia, Barbados, Trinidad & Tobago, Mexico and Venezuela, the recommendation was rejected not adopted due to blocking from Japan.
Posted on 20 November 2023

New non-binding protection measures for cetaceans caught in the Convention area in association with ICCAT fisheries, which prohibit these species being retained on board, transhipped, or landed, in whole or in part.
submitted by Korea
notes: Consensus reached as non-binding
Posted on 20 November 2023

Adoption of a resolution to ban the retention of mobulid rays caught in association with ICCAT fisheries. This includes best handling practices for the release and reporting interactions with these species. It also asks SCRS to identify options for future research and data collection to support the conservation of these species.
submitted by UK
notes: Adopted on the basis that it will only enter into force if there is a consensus on the interpretation of the SCRS advice at the 2024 annual meeting of the Commission, as requested by Japan and China.
Posted on 20 November 2023

submitted by EU
notes: Adopted version revises the catch limits and a different threshold is defined for non-developing, non-coastal State CPCs. In addition, the recommendation specifies the year (2025) in which the SCRS shall inform the Commission on the feasibility, cost, options and tentative roadmap for developing an MSE framework for this species.
Posted on 20 November 2023

Recommendation lowers the TAC for North Atlantic blue sharks from 39,102 t to 30,000 t after merging proposal with UK. EU’s initial proposal was 32,689t (PA4_813), UK’s initial proposal was 23,403/25,000 t (PA4_818)
submitted by EU
notes: Adopted on the basis Morocco receives quota transfers from EU and Japan.
Posted on 20 November 2023

I.1 Recommendation by ICCAT for a pilot project for farming bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus) in the Cantabrian Sea

Recommendation setting up a bluefin tuna farming pilot project in the Cantabrian Sea.
submitted by EU
notes: Adopted as a recommendation.
Posted on 20 November 2023

Recommendation on the need to update certain capacity restrictions on bluefin tuna ranching operations, despite farming operations continuing to pause compliance and monitoring issues.
submitted by EU
Posted on 20 November 2023

Recommendation seeking to clarify and correct some ambiguities in Recommendation 23-08, which established establishing a Multi-annual Management Plan for Bluefin Tuna in the Eastern Atlantic and the Mediterranean on the distribution of ICCAT seals to regional observers.
submitted by Chair of panel 2
Posted on 20 November 2023

This recommendation identified how Panel 2 members would work closely with the SCRS to develop a plan for how to identify and respond to rare or unforeseen events that may warrant reconsideration of the MP.
submitted by The Chair of Panel 2, with revised version submitted by the EU, Japan and Canada
Posted on 20 November 2023